H35-210_V2.5 Practice Exam Fee, Valid H35-210_V2.5 Torrent

H35-210_V2.5 Practice Exam Fee, Valid H35-210_V2.5 Torrent

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>> H35-210_V2.5 Practice Exam Fee <<

Pass Guaranteed 2025 Huawei H35-210_V2.5: Unparalleled HCIA-Access V2.5 Practice Exam Fee

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Huawei HCIA-Access V2.5 Sample Questions (Q78-Q83):

Regarding the description of UA5000, which of the following statements is wrong?

  • A. The UA5000 does not support VDSL2 service access temporarily.
  • B. UA5000 supports ADSL2+ service access.
  • C. UA5000 adopts the same hardware platform and supports the integration of PSTN, NGN, IMS and FTTx.
  • D. UA5000 supports various traditional private line services under TDM/PSTN.

Answer: A

If the outband NMS is unreachable, which of the following operations can be performed? (Select All that Apply)

  • A. Check the network cable.
  • B. Check whether the subnet number and NE number are set correctly.
  • C. Check whether the IP address is set correctly.
  • D. The inband and outband NMS IP addresses cannot be in the same IP address segment.

Answer: A,C,D

* A/B: Basic network checks (IP configuration and physical connectivity).
* C: Inband and outband NMS IPs must be in different subnets to avoid conflicts.

Is the following description correct? When the ONT is offline, the MA5600T/MA5680T can perform ONT PPPoE simulation test operations.

  • A. False
  • B. True

Answer: A

The Ethernet technology is a widely used technology. According to different transmission rates, the Ethernet technology is classified into 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s, and 1000 Mbit/s. The 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s Ethernet transmission media are twisted pairs, but the 1000 Mbit/s Ethernet is too fast and requires optical fibers as the transmission media.

  • A. FALSE
  • B. TRUE

Answer: A

Generally, a Layer 3 switch forwards IP packets more efficiently than a common router. Which one of the following reasons is true?

  • A. An ASIC chip is used to forward packets, and the forwarding technology of "one-time routing and multiple-time switching" is used.
  • B. Hardware with lower specifications is used.
  • C. The packet-to-packet forwarding technology is used.
  • D. VLANs are configured to suppress broadcast storms, saving bandwidth and system resources.

Answer: A


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